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Spirit guides. Who are they, where do they come from and how can they help us?

As a psychic medium, I'm often asked about spirit guides and the role they play in our lives.

These gentle protectors in the spirit world are special souls who've chosen to walk beside us as we traverse our earthly journey.

Each of us have a unique group of guides, some will be with us from birth and others join us along the way. Made up of our ancestors, angels, or other advanced souls from higher or galactic realms, our guides are always wise old souls who are deeply loving.

Our guides are always trying to communicate with us in subtle ways. Symbolically through dreams, signs and synchronicities, and intuitively, through gut feelings and inner nudges. They know exactly how challenging "Earth School" can be, and they’re dedicated to offering us wisdom, comfort, and encouragement.

They often appear during our big life moments, such as a major crossroads or decision, a painful loss, big change or inner transformation.

One of the most beautiful things about our guides is the unconditional love and support they offer. They know we’re human and make mistakes, but they only ever view our lives through eyes of loving compassion.

✨ Exercise to Connect with Your Spirit Guides✨

1. Find a Quiet space.

Sit or lie down in a quiet and comfortable spot, and take a few deep breaths.

2. Set Your Intention

Close your eyes and say aloud or in your mind, "I invite my spirit guides of the highest light to connect with me and share their wisdom."

3. Relax and Open Your Heart:

Let go of any tension in your body and release any thoughts that may be distracting you. Tune in to your heart space and see it opening and expanding like a blossoming flower. This is where you'll connect with their energy most easily.

4. Ask for Guidance:

You can ask a specific question or ask for general guidance. They can help with all aspects of our lives, such as: relationships, life purpose, abundance, healing or soul path. Keep your heart open to receiving their wisdom.

5. Observe and listen

Be still and allow yourself to sense the energy around you. You may perceive a shift in your emotions, receive guidance, answers, inner knowing, hear a subtle voice, see symbols, colours, hear song lyrics, or see other images in your mind.

Trust what comes through and importantly don't judge it!

6. Show gratitude and close off.

When you feel ready, close off the connection again by thanking your guides for their presence and wisdom.

Our lives can become so much richer when we deepen our relationship with our guides, and this exercise can help you enhance your connection and draw on their support whenever you need it!

Elizabeth Muir (she/her) is a Psychic Medium, Tarot Maven, Healer and creator of Angelsound® living in Gubbi Gubbi Country/The Sunshine Coast, Australia.


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