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Lion's Gate 8/8/22 Manifesting Ritual.

The Lion's Gate Portal is open!

Today is a time of great cosmic and spiritual significance where the Sun in Leo, the stars Sirius and Orion's Belt and the Earth are all in alignment with the Egyptian pyramids of Gaza!

This planetary energy combined with the 8/8 vibration, opens a doorway for potent cosmic energies to flow from higher spiritual dimensions to Earth.

Number 8 is a power number, and represents infinity, personal power, generosity, strength, confidence, passion, and abundance- and these nourishing energies are here to be harnessed today!

Over the last few days I’ve felt some really strong downloads as these new energies have began streaming to earth. I've had headaches and been more tired than ever before, but fast forward a few days and I feel great!

I can sense a huge shift. And I'm sure many of you will too.

This energy is bringing with it a huge opportunity to amplify your soul intentions, attract more miracles and blessings, feel more confident and embody more love, compassion and unity.

I'll have some more of that please universe!

Archangel Metatron is strongly connected to Lion’s Gate and tells me we’ll be undergoing important DNA upgrades to hold more 5D light.

This will create a huge shifts in our consciousness giving us more compassion for one another and an ignited desire to protect Mother Earth.

To enhance this energy it’s a good idea to activate your chakras through meditation, picturing them opening wider to receive the Lions Gate energy codes into your heart, solar plexus and soul star chakras (about 30cm above your head)

To activate some of the famed Lion’s Gate manifestation power, try the following quick and simple water manifesting ritual.

It works so well because water is such a fantastic conduit of energy!


* Take a glass of water * Hold it to your heart and say “ I AM LOVE” * Imagine that love going into to the water * Now hold it up to your third eye * Visualise what you'd like to manifest (New home, relationship, world peace etc) * Imagine the energy of that desire being held in the water * Say out aloud "THIS OR SOMETHING HIGHER" * Drink the water. * Say “THANK YOU "

Doing this will place a vibrational imprint of your heart’s desire within the water which then becomes a vibrational match for you!

Powerful stuff!

Happy Lions Gate Beautiful souls, may you bask in these beautiful energies and feel restored, rejuvenated and expanded.

Love, Elizabeth xo

Elizabeth Muir is a Psychic Medium and Energy Healer with a passion for connecting people all over the world with the enormous love and support of the the spirit world.


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