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Heart Energy is a distance sound and energy healing modality I created alongside spirit. 

Very popular due to ease of delivery, you don't need to be laying on a healing bed in a clinic you can enjoy them from the comfort of your own home. 



Each session is deeply nurturing and restorative and a powerful spiritual reset. 

 Clients tell me that they're able to release long held negative emotional patterns and frustrating blocks and make exciting changes in their lives.



Using the power of unconditional divine love, Heart Energy clears energetic blockages and negative emotional imprints from your energy system. Heart Energy sessions are multi-dimensional, tapping into levels of healing from divine frequencies to heal your past (including past lives), present and future.


Distance healing provides all the benefits of an in-person session, while in the comfort of your home.

After our initial phone consultation, I stand at my healing table and read the vibrational language of your energy as if you were laying in front of me. I'm able to read the information stored in your chakras like a record of your life and soul journey while spirit guide me to what needs to be healed and released. 


Energy can be sent and received anywhere because we're all connected in the quantum field. Energy is everywhere, and spirit are all around us. 


 Archangels are energetic light beings, and divine messengers who exist to guide us towards our soul's highest experience of divine love. Angels are powerful conduits of healing energy which they send to us through light and colour. 


My healings are supported by all the Archangels but I have a close healing partnership with Archangel Jophiel. 

I also work very closely with other Divine Masters such as Quan Yin and Lady Nada. 


I use the power of my voice to channel, transmute and clear energy. This helps to release negative emotional experiences through time and space. I also use the healing power of words and healing mantras to raise your vibration. 


 During your healing I use a combination of: 

* Amethyst infused crystal singing bowls (Clear, balance and harmonise the chakras)

* RAGG® tuning forks (Test and Balance the chakras)

* Tibetan singing bowls (Karmic clearing) 

* Selenite wands (Clear energy cords)

* Crystals to support each chakra

* Aura Soma sprays 


Our life experiences are stored in our chakras and negative emotions impact the way they function. As I feel into your chakras, spirit guides me to the memories and old emotional experiences or traumas that are ready to be released.

When a chakra isn't functioning well it impacts many areas of our lives. It can impact our ability to move forward, leave us feeling stuck, tired, and cause pain and illness.  Blocks and heaviness in our chakras can arise from things like stress, conflict, painful memories, emotional wounds, traumas, ancestral/family patterns, karmic patterns, past relationships, toxic relationships or environments. 


Once these blocks are cleared you are likely feel a greater sense of lightness, vitality, feelings of wellbeing and positivity. 



After your session you can expect to feel more relaxed, peaceful, focussed and grounded.

It's important to drink lots of water and spend time out in nature to help ground and integrate the healing energies. 

Straight after our session you'll receive a recording of your healing for you to playback and keep.

Heart Energy with Elizabeth Muir Soound healings Melbourne
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